Comment 64 Bug Zapper Comment 30 Richard Harman When this one gets fixed, please don't close this bug as there are apic or locking issues that remain. The laptop is a HP Pavilion dvnr. That would save a lot of debugging time. First, does the problem still exist if the CPU's run at a static freq i. Exceptional media versatility HP printers and presses are compatible with thousands of certified graphic arts media solutions.
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Comment 35 Bug Zapper Warranty - A service provided by the retailer or manufacturer to ensure a device works for a period from new. Take a digital pic of the screen with a camera and attach it to this Bug if its possible. Thank you for reporting h; issue and we are sorry that we may not be able to fix it before Fedora 9 is end of life.

Comment 25 Richard Harman I don't know what the difference is. No voucher codes found.

Comment 64 Bug Zapper Comment 53 Brian Maly That would save a lot of debugging time. Not registered at productWIKI?

HP Media Solutions Locator

It does sort-of look like I snapped a photo mid-boot, heh. If this is not a locking bug, why does it seem to only hit on output to the console or switching virtual consoles?

Comment 44 Richard Harman Now that I can boot the darn thing, someone please let me know what system info I mdia post here, and I will. This memory is designed for the following notebooks: Hp - Horse Power.

Technical Support | Page 4 | Motherboard Forums

I'd like to test to see if this solves problems. Comment 20 Trever Adams Would a dmidecode dump help? United States HP Worldwide. Approximately 30 thirty days from now Fedora will stop maintaining and issuing updates for Fedora 9. Could you try building 6045n kernel with cpufreq disabled i.

This is with kernel 2. Second, does this problem still exist if 'notsc' is used as a boot arg?

We seem to be getting little attention here aswell. Performance - When someone is presenting a form of entertainment, also how well someone is doing within a role. Mine has the webcam, yours may not. Is there a way to capture an oops without serial, parallel or screen?

Technical Support

Browse Requests Reports Product Dashboard. Yes, this machine crashes on resume from suspend with or meida noapic, it may be related because it seems to be at the point it would resume the screen Unfortunately, it looks like the debugging Trever has done seems to be the only work posted in this bug.

After hard power cycling a random number of times, the kernel manages to get past the point it gets stuck. Comment 10 Trever Adams And please give me the command I need to produce it, thanks.

From what I have been told all dv series are the same.


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